My Current Status and Prayer Requests: My CT scan results came back, and they show that the tumor is stable, and, if anything, has shrunk a little since the last scan. However, my two cancer marker numbers, which have been trending positively and decreasing significantly over the last few months,…
Category: Med Update
October Update from Peter
Please subscribe to receive updates! Thanks Long story short, I’m doing pretty well. So far, this clinical trial has been productive and good. I’m going in for a CT scan at the time of this writing, so I’ll share the results with you when I get them back. My tumor…
September Update from Peter
Bobby and Robert Almost a year ago, a day before I got my diagnosis, I was introduced to Bobby, a fellow pancreatic cancer survivor who ended up being one of the most significant friends in my life. He entered hospice care a few weeks ago, and sadly passed away on…
August Update from Peter
Thanks for letting me bring you up to date. A lot of things have been going on. 1. Cancer markers have come down Great News! The last few blood tests had my cancer markers considerably decreased! While my oncologists rely more on CT Scans, the marker number’s purpose is…
July Update from Peter
Adjusting to this New Schedule Adjusting to this new chemo schedule has been a bit more difficult for me. Unlike my previous treatment, which was every other week, this one is weekly for three weeks followed by a week off. It feels like just as I recover from one round…
Cycle 2, Round 2
I received my infusion, and I’m grateful that my platelet and other numbers were good enough to proceed with treatment this week. This hasn’t always been the case, so I appreciate days like this Tuesday more than ever. Last week, I received some encouraging news: my cancer markers are showing…
Update: Week 3 Clinical Trial
After a busy weekend, I developed a fever on Monday night, and I was concerned I’d be unable to receive my chemo this week. But, two Tylenols later, my fever came down, my temp remained normal and I was good to go for treatment the next day, Tuesday. Or so…
Clinical Trial – Week 2
Just a quick update that Peter begins his 2nd week of his clinical trial with UCLA today, Tuesday, May 21. He felt fine immediately after his 1st treatment last Tuesday, but he experienced neuropathy combined with joint pain which may be related to the immunotherapy portion of his infusion. Thank…
Clinical Trial Begins
We wanted to share the great news that Peter started his clinical trial today! We are so thankful that Peter was able to complete the needed tests so quickly and was accepted into the program. Also, we’re happy to share that he was chosen to receive the clinical trial drug!…
Clinical Trial Options
Summary -It has been several weeks since I’ve been off chemo and other medication -Had good appointments at both City of Hope and UCLA to figure out clinical trial options -Am applying for clinical trial at UCLA -Either via clinical trial or just doing the next step, will begin “Second…