I have completed my third treatment and just wanted to take the time to thank you for all your support and prayers.
As I continue on with the chemotherapy, I suspect it’ll be a little bit of a learning curve with how my body responds to chemotherapy and in the side effects.
For what it’s worth, and although still early, my cancer markers seem to be moving in the correct direction, so the treatment appears to be having a positive effect for now. We’ll do some more testing and scans in a few months.
Even someone on my oncology team chuckled when she saw the numbers go down even before my chemo began. For right now, I’ll attribute that to God’s grace, so please keep praying.
Lately, my time/energy has been spent:
-Navigating the logistics of medical appointments and changing insurance
-Planning for days when I may/may not have fatigue
-Budgeting time to rest, recuperate, and heal
-Taking care of clients’ needs which I am thankful for
-Treasuring opportunities to live: walk, bike, and be normal
-Prioritizing what needs to be done right now vs. what can wait til I get my rhythm
November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Quite honestly, I was not that aware before I became a patient. To be really honest, I had very little idea of what my pancreas did or exactly where it was located. If you’d like to learn more, check out the information and resources on Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s website at https://pancan.org/.
God bless you, Peter! Praise Him for how well you are doing. You look great in the picture!