Wow, today is 6 months to the day since my very first post. I’ve had a few people asking about my health status, so I wanted to give an update:
I finished my final round of chemo treatment last week and am scheduled for a CT scan this week which will hopefully give us more information on my progress. I’m also waiting for my insurance to approve a PET scan which should provide the most detailed information about my status.
Since my last two blood tests showed a slight increase in my marker numbers, I plan to discuss with my oncologist a possible revised strategy for continued treatment and potential clinical trials that would be suitable for me.
Currently, we are in an information gathering stage, and I will not be receiving any chemo or medication until the next steps are decided.
I would like to ask for prayers for:
– Continued shrinkage of the cancer
– Good CT scan results
– Approval for my PET Scan
– Discernment and wisdom by my doctor and me & my medical team for next steps
– That I would continue to trust in God whatever lies ahead
Can’t thank you enough for your prayers, encouragement, and support.