After a busy weekend, I developed a fever on Monday night, and I was concerned I’d be unable to receive my chemo this week. But, two Tylenols later, my fever came down, my temp remained normal and I was good to go for treatment the next day, Tuesday.
Or so I thought.
When they did my blood work, it turned out that my platelet count was too low which meant delaying treatment for two weeks. While disappointing, the delay will hopefully allow my counts to improve.
Unfortunately, that same evening, the fever returned even higher. The Tylenol reduced it again, but by the next morning we were trying to figure out if this was a reaction to the chemo or something else.
I ended up going to urgent care. My blood counts were good enough that I didn’t have to be hospitalized and I was prescribed antibiotics while I waited for the results of the remaining tests.
Now that I think about it, if my platelets had been good enough to receive the chemo, I would have had to deal with this fever with an even more compromised immune system. So, there’s always a sunny side.
Prayer requests:
- My doctors will be able to determine the cause of this fever and fatigue to provide the right treatment plan.
- My blood counts will return to a normal range that will allow me to continue receiving treatment.
- I get the necessary rest so that my body can recover in preparation for resuming treatment.
Oh, and thank God for…
- The kind friend who felt led to give me their car after mine broke down. This was an answered prayer and a relief to unexpected stress. I was very touched & humbled by this act of kindness and generosity.
- An unexpected provision to assist with some of my medical bills.
The kindness and generosity that people have shown me has been very humbling, and it helps me trust in God’s plan in this very challenging time.